Volume as Substitute for Knowledge


The Sanders-Cruz debate was a welcome breath of fresh air in our otherwise stagnant national political discourse. Of course, it would be more welcome if Senator Sanders could find the time to take a remedial economics course, but that may be too much to expect from a man who once described the classroom as "boring and irrelevant"[1].

As a general rule: If you cannot label[2] the following chart, you should not be discussing economics.


  1. While it is tempting to make the easy "much like Mr. Sanders himself" remark, it would be inaccurate; in truth, Senator Sanders is seldom boring (if often tedious) and far from irrelevant (as he has quite a following amongst the illiterati). ↩︎

  2. For Mr. Sanders, I would even be willing to go so far as to offer him some letters with which to start: D, P, Q, & S. ↩︎