There is a new proposed version of the Rules.

This new version of the Rules will take effect on 01 October 2023. Debate is open.

  1. General Rules

    1. Anyone who involves himself in politics is fair game.
      1. This Rule applies only to those who deliberately or intentionally involve themselves in politics. Those who are dragged, unwillingly, into the political spotlight by others should be defended instead of attacked.
      2. Anyone who drags an unwilling party into the political spotlight has willingly involved himself in politics.
      3. This Rule applies equally to men, women, and children.
    2. Debating the Left is discouraged — engage them only pursuant to the Debate Rules.
      1. This Rule does not apply to leaders.
        1. Leaders know who they are.
    3. Unserious sects are to be avoided.
    4. Enemy agents can be witting or unwitting, paid or unpaid, intentional or incidental — it does not matter.
  2. Debate Rules

    1. The purpose of debating with the Left is to convert the audience.
      1. This Rule does not mean that it is never proper to attempt to convert the opponent, only that doing so should virtually never be the goal.
      2. Given the reality of this Rule, the standard rules of formal debate may be ignored.
      3. Sophistry is acceptable.
    2. In arguments over conservationism or environmentalism, overpopulation in the third world must be a prime concern and a point of discussion.
      1. Anyone who ignores overpopulation in the third world in this context can (and should) be ignored.
      2. Anyone who denies overpopulation in the third world is a malefactor.
    3. These Rules do not apply when debating a fellow member of the Right.
  3. Identifying Unserious Sects

    1. Any (political) group led by a woman is an unserious sect.
      1. This Rule extends to those groups that have women in (high-level) leadership positions.
    2. Any (political) group led by a homosexual is an unserious sect.
      1. This Rule extends to those groups that have homosexuals in leadership positions.
    3. Any group that opposes these Rules is an unserious sect.
  4. Identifying Enemy Agents

    1. Anyone who attacks Christianity is an enemy agent.
      1. This Rule applies to those who attack Christianity as a whole, not those who critique the actions of specific churches, denominations, or traditions.
      2. Identifying Christians
        1. A person who cannot affirm the three ecumenical Creeds — without reservation — is not a Christian.
    2. Anyone who virtue signals about "Nazis" is an enemy agent.
    3. Anyone who virtue signals about Israel is an enemy agent.
    4. Anyone who supports non-Western immigration is an enemy agent.
      1. Anyone who opposes deportation of non-Western populations from Western countries is an enemy agent.
    5. Enemy Agent Categories
      1. Anyone who falls into an enemy agent category is an enemy agent regardless of other affiliations, policies, beliefs, et cetera.
      2. Categories
        1. Atheists
          1. n.b., this Rule does not include agnostics.
        2. Communists
        3. Feminists
    6. Suspect Behavior
      1. Anyone who praises egalitarianism is suspect.
      2. Anyone who praises equality is suspect.
        1. This Rule does not apply to praising equality before God or before the law.
      3. Anyone who opposes the Rules is suspect.
  5. Rules about the Rules

    1. The numbering, organization, and formatting of these Rules is subject to change.
      1. When citing to the Rules, include the publication date in your citations (old versions are browsable).
        1. Use the following date format: yyyy-mm-dd (e.g., 2022-10-30).
        2. If multiple revisions are posted in a single day, a citation to that day shall be taken to refer to the final version posted on that day.
          1. If multiple revisions are posted on a single day, no citations should be made to any version other than the final one posted on that day, except in discussions of the Rules themselves.
      2. In the context of the Rules themselves, "version" and "revision" have the same meaning.
    2. The content of these Rules is not subject to change without notice and debate.
      1. This Rule applies to existing Rules.
      2. Adding content to a Rule where such added content does not cause a conflict within the (now) modified Rule or with the content of the (previously) unmodified Rule or with any other Rule does not violate this Rule.
      3. Additional Rules may be added with neither notice nor debate.
        1. Such additional Rules must not conflict with existing Rules.
      4. ”Notice” in the context of the Rules means that a proposed new version of the Rules must be published and linked from the current version of the Rules, which will always be located on this page.
        1. Notice must be provided no less than seven (7) days in advance of a new version of the Rules taking effect.
      5. ”Debate” in the context of the Rules means that a system must be in place whereby members of the Right may voice their concerns about new or proposed versions of the Rules.
        1. This Rule provides no guarantee that the concerns voiced via the debate system will be addressed prior to the new version of the Rules taking effect.
        2. However, a good-faith effort to address concerns must be made where possible.
      6. The Author of the Rules shall maintain a lifetime veto with regard to any proposed Rules.
        1. This veto shall encompass the power to veto as little as a single character or symbol or as much as the entirety of the proposed version.
    3. Generally, the Rules are to be cited in their full text.
      1. This Rule applies on a line basis (e.g., it is acceptable to cite Rule III: 1. without including Rule III. 1. A. and it is acceptable to cite Rule III. 2. A. without including Rule III. 2.).
    4. Citation format.
      1. Citing the Rules should be done as follows: Rule Section. Rule Number. (Section.) (Subsection.) ["Rule Text"] (v. 2022-10-30).
      2. Example (the foregoing Rule): »Rule V. 4. A. "Citing the Rules should be done as follows: Rule Section. Rule Number. (Section.) (Subsection.) [Rule Text]" (v. 2022-10-30).«
      3. Example: »"Rule IV. 1. A. i. a. ["Rule Text"]" (v. 2022-10-30).«
    5. The website version of the Rules (i.e., this page) is authoritative.
    6. The forum version of the Rules (if any) is merely for the sake of convenience.
    7. Any other published or disseminated version of the Rules — even if from official channels — is binding only insofar as it is a correct copy of the Rules as they appear on this page.
    8. The location of the official version of the Rules can be change only by the Author.
      1. Any such change must be affirmed via no fewer than three (3) different mediums (e.g., post, video, public announcement).

Current (foregoing) Rules version: 2019-10-30.